Use Internet Config for suffix mapping and mode. If the file doesn't match, I will use Binary mode and whatever you typed in 'Default Signature…' (you can force other with startup keys) If you check this, I'll use Internet Config Use Internet Config. If the file doesn't match, I will use Binary mode (you can force other with startup keys) If you check this, I'll use Internet Config If you push the key 'opt' on startup (until the window appears) files will be compressed Check this if you want to use key 'opt' on startup to force compression When do you want to compress? If you push the key 'a' on startup (until the window appears) files will be decompressed in ascii mode Check this if you want to use key 'a' on startup to force ascii decompression If you push the key 'a' on startup (until the window appears) files will be compressed in ascii mode Check this if you want to use key 'a' on startup to force ascii compression This will identify the files created by MacGzip when it decompress in binary mode Do you want to convert newlines when decompressing? Do you want to convert newlines when compressing? Uncheck this if you want to delete the original files after compress / expand them Check this if you want to keep the original files; otherwise, they will be deleted upon completion of the process Make a beep after the last file Make a beep after the last file Decrease compression level (you can use cmd-down too) Increase compression level (you can use cmd-up too) Type here if you want to use a non standard suffix. Otherwise, you should let it empty Turn off Help Balloons If the output file has the same name of an existen file or empty folder, this will be overwriten Check this if you don't like 'Replace existent file' alerts The higher is the compression level, the better and slower is the compression. This does not afect to decompression Quit after the conversion is done. Quit after the conversion is done. This is always true in Drag & Drop mode This will be the creator of the files decompressed by MacGzip in ascii mode Discard changes Let's go Use 'gzip' menu settings (you can force other with startup keys) If you check this, 'gzip' menu settings will be used. Never uncompress in ascii mode (you can force other with startup keys) Never uncompress in ascii mode Look for suffix mapping in Fetch Prefs. If the suffix isn't mapped, MacGzip will use binary mode (you can force other with startup keys) Look for suffix mapping in Fetch Prefs. This will also set the correct type and creator when the suffix is mapped. Use 'gzip' menu settings (you can force other with startup keys) If you check this, 'gzip' menu settings will be used. Macintosh files never will be compressed with converted newlines (you can force other with startup keys) If you check this, Macintosh files never will be compressed with converted newlines Only Macintosh 'TEXT' files will be compressed with converted newlines (you can force other with startup keys) If you check this, only Macintosh 'TEXT' files will be compressed with converted newlines Use 'gzip' menu settings (you can force other with startup keys) If you check this, 'gzip' menu settings will be used. Automatic compress / decompress is selected (you can force other with startup keys) Check this if you want MacGzip to compress automatically all files whose type differs from 'Gzip', 'ZIVU', 'ZIVM' and 'pZIP'